BE YE HOLY You call me O Holy One To be pure and Holy as You. The One high above the world, Set apart from creation and sin. But I am a mere mortal. Do you not know my innermost Thoughts and see my impure And sinful desires? It is impossible for me Such unworthy wretch that I am. It is only through your forgiveness That my sins of scarlet be made White as freshly fallen snow. Though they be red like crimson, You, O Holy one make me White as wool. Create in me a clean heart, O God, Purify me from my sins, and I will be clean. You set me apart for your pleasure And see me as undefiled, Blameless and innocent. You see me through the blood Of Jesus, your Son. I have been washed by The blood of the Lamb. It is only through His Shed blood that I can be Pure and Holy as You. Ollie(July 2001) |